Accidentally Hitched: An Accidental Marriage Romance Read online

Page 13

  “You let me know,” I told her honestly because I was ready to be the object of her desire.

  “Maybe we should play photographer and model when we get back to the room?”

  “Damn, that sounds much better than my plan. There’s a real juke joint around here, opens at ten.”

  “No. Way! No friggin’ way, Nash! You really feel like cuttin’ up a rug with me?”

  “Rubbing up against the prettiest girl in the room, how could I resist?”


  “This was the best honeymoon I’ve ever had,” I told Nash honestly as I lay in the bed, naked and wrapped in his arms. It was nice. Maybe a little too nice.

  “Really? How many honeymoons have you been on, exactly?” His laughter came out deep and filled with amusement, vibrating against my ear deliciously.

  “Just this one but unless my next husband is a billionaire, I’m pretty sure this is it.” Mostly because I wasn’t sure if I would ever get married again and even this one was nothing more than a fluke. I hadn’t had a serious boyfriend since I was nineteen and after the past few years, I was surprised I could even open up to Nash the way I had.

  “A billionaire? A semi-known artist isn’t good enough for you?” His fingertips skated over my midsection and I drew in a breath before laughter exploded out of me. “That’s quite an upgrade.”

  “Maybe that’s because my first husband was so great that only a billionaire would do. Don’t sell yourself short, Nash. You’re pretty great and based on the evil looks I was getting at the faux potluck, I’d say a pretty hot commodity around here.”

  “Jealous, Vivi?”

  “Maybe a little. I mean this is going to get weird, right? Like really weird, when its all over.” And just like that the tension was back, racing through my veins like it was the Indy 500. I didn’t want to think about any of this, and especially not the end of things for me and Nash. Yet I couldn’t seem to think of anything but that.

  Nash was silent for so long that I thought maybe I’d already stepped in it and maybe I’d just freaked him out so we’d drive back to Belle Musique and he couldn’t get on with avoiding me for the rest of our lives. “It’s already weird Vivi, don’t you agree?”

  “Well yeah, obviously. We were accidentally married and we’ve been having nonstop sex which is only making things more…complicated. But that’s not what I meant.”

  His grip tightened around me and I was grateful when Nash changed our positions, spooning his body around mine so I could feel his warmth and safety without looking into those devastating blue eyes. “What do you mean, Vivi?”

  “I mean this, clearly, but not just this. We’ve become good friends, Nash. Really good friends and after all this, I guess I’m wondering if we can go back to who we were before.” A long breath escaped as my words, my worries and my fears were finally put out there. Mostly.

  “Why would we want to go back when things are so good, so right between us right now?”

  Unasked question, answered succinctly. Nash wasn’t interested in anything more than what he had now. An accidental wife with plenty of hot sex on demand. “Okay. Got it.” Now I knew that any silly hopes that might be lingering in the deepest recesses of my mind were just that—silly. It was time to pour those thoughts into my book instead of trying to wedge them into my real life.

  “You okay?” My eyes closed at the sound of his voice, deep with a hint of honeyed gravel that never failed to send a zip of electricity through me.

  “I’m fine. Give me a free moment and my mind inevitably wanders to my current work in progress.” It wasn’t the whole truth but it was enough to appease Nash in the moment. “Now that you’ve worked up my appetite, I recall Genie said something about weekend brunch.” And what we both needed was a break from the bedroom acrobatics. His nearness and his mastery of my body was too much.

  Too fucking much.

  I jumped off the bed like the sheets were on fire and rushed into the bathroom, happy the town had splurged on the suite because I could get my head on straight when Nash wasn’t around.

  Staring at my reflection in the mirror, I knew. I wasn’t just crushing on Nash anymore. No, I loved him. I was in love with my accidental husband who was content with things the way they were. “I’m so screwed.” I could see all the signs staring back at me—wide, wild eyes that couldn’t stay on one thing, flushed skin and the fear burning inside my green eyes. It burned so hot there was no avoiding it. “I can’t be in love with Nash. I won’t be,” I amended and stepped into the shower, letting the shot spray of the shower wash away all the silly thoughts and longings.

  If the past few years had taught me anything, it was that my life was best when it was solitary. More people meant more drama and more problems. More pain. And I was still full up from the last betrayal so, I didn’t have room for more.

  Feeling resolved as a plan began to slide into place, I dried my hair and took extra time with my makeup before I stepped into the room, naked as my heart raced.

  Thankfully, Nash was busy with a phone call and I got dressed and headed downstairs without being noticed.


  “Damn man, someone is really paying you thirty grand for a desk?” Zeke let out a low whistle and took in the bare wood that only showed the first signs of being something other than a big ass piece of wood. “It looks damn good.”

  “Yeah, thanks. It’s going to take me awhile to get this done but yeah, one of our illustrious public servants has a very generous wife who wanted to show her appreciation. I’m not complaining.” It was a nice paycheck and every little bit helped for those months when jobs were lean.

  “So, what’s up? You got at least half of this desk in the bank, you just came back from four days of what I choose to believe was filled with nonstop kinky sex, I brought a damn good lager with ten percent alcohol, and your ugly mug looks like someone killed your dog. What gives?”

  “Nothing, man. Just tired and distracted, I guess.” That was a damn lie. “Something’s up with Vivi, I think.” I didn’t just think. I had confirmation every time she stepped out of my grasp or the way her gaze never seemed to meet mine head on.

  “What did you do?” Zeke’s lips pulled into a smile as he drank from his beer.

  “You assume it was me?”

  “Damn straight. Vivi’s hot, she’s a straight shooter so what did you do or say to piss her off?”

  “If I knew that, I wouldn’t be talking to you about this, Zeke.” The man had never had a real relationship as far as I knew, which let me know just how desperate I must be.

  “No offense taken. Look man, I might not have much experience with full on relationships but I do know women. And if she’s giving you the cold shoulder after a romantic getaway then you said or did something to upset her. No ifs, ands, or buts.”

  “I already replayed every moment of those four days and I can’t think of anything.” And I was starting to get a little pissed off that the so called straight shooter wouldn’t tell me what the fuck I did to piss her off. “Norah’s over there now for another writing session and when I dropped her off, she barely looked at me.”

  Zeke nodded and stared at the piece of lumber taking up most of my workshop. “Did you do any talking at all about how you’re going to resolve this accidental marriage?”


  “Not at all?” Zeke moved slowly, deliberately just to piss me off and plucked another beer from the cooler, crossing one leg at the knee.

  “No. Not at all. I mean we talked a little about how things will be once this is all settled, but it was fine. She got distracted with the book she’s working on and that was it.”

  “Oh, now we both know that’s pure bullshit, Nash. What did you say, exactly?”

  “How in the hell should I know? Let me think.” I tried to remember but the only thing I could think about was how good she smelled, the way her hair covered my face like a sunshine, vanilla scented curtain. “I just said why would we want things to go back
to how they were before when things are so good now. That’s a good answer. Right?”

  “I guess that all depends on what Vivi thinks. If she’s developed feelings for you-,”

  My derisive snort cut him off. “Are we seriously talking about our feelings right now?” I didn’t talk about feelings with anyone. Ever.

  “Not our feelings. Vivi’s feelings, dumbass.” He shook his head and groaned. “Maybe she likes being married to you and sleeping with you. Having meals with you and Norah. I mean, you don’t seem to be running away from this relationship either.”

  He was right. I wasn’t. “That doesn’t make it a good idea to take an accident and turn it into a lifetime.” That was crazy as hell and after Nanette left, I promised myself no more fucking crazy.

  “An accident, maybe. But you guys have been dating from the moment you met, everyone in town knows it. But you, apparently.”

  “That’s not true.” Was it? “We get along. We have chemistry, sure. But that’s all that it is.”

  “Keep telling yourself that, brother.”

  “Are you fucking with me, Zeke?” He had to be, that was the only explanation for this bizarre conversation. “You’re fucking with me.”

  “No, I’m not. You’re lying to yourself. Maybe you’re scared or maybe you’re still hoping ol’ Nanette will come back?” He laughed when I flipped him off. “It’s the only explanation for your clearly delusional thinking.”

  “Fuck you, man. I am not waiting around for Nanette or anyone. Look I like Vivi, okay?

  “She’s good for you but you have to want it too. If not, let her go so she can find someone else.”

  “I can’t.” The words tumbled out before I could stop them and Zeke’s shit eating grin meant he didn’t miss my quick answer.

  “Then there’s your answer, Nash. You want her so figure your shit out, man. Seriously, don’t fuck this up.”

  “Your faith in me is overwhelming Zeke, seriously.”

  “Don’t run scared, that’s all I’m saying.” He stood and handed me another beer. “Drink about it until you have an answer.”

  Those were the words Zeke left me with and I did what he said. Since Norah would likely be at Vivi’s for another couple hours, I popped another cap and sucked down the ice cold beer while I turned everything over in my mind. I wanted Vivi. I wanted her bad and I couldn’t think about losing her.

  Which meant I needed to talk to Vivi.

  * * *

  “You’re upset with me.”

  Vivi looked up at me, green eyes sharp and clear. “No, I’m not. Are you okay?”

  “Am I okay? You’ve barely looked at me since we got back from the honeymoon.”

  “I’m looking at you right now, Nash. What is this about and where is Norah?”

  “She’s at a friend’s house. Which means I have all the time in the world to talk about this.”

  “What this are you talking about, Nash?”

  “Us.” I stepped in closer until we were toe to toe, well not exactly but we were close enough that her apple scented breath fanned my face.

  “What do you mean by us?” She crossed her arms over her chest feeling protective, and I hated that.

  “Can I come in?”

  “I can hear you just fine right here.” There was no trace of amusement in her eyes and that was like a goddamn kick to my gut. “What’s up?”

  “Let me in, Vivi.”

  She rolled her eyes and stepped back with a heaving sigh. “Come in, then.”

  I watched Vivi walk away, the short t-shirt dress clinging to her curves and the way it shaped her ass was mouthwatering. “What did I do?”

  She stopped at the counter and poured two glasses of clear liquid with cucumbers and mint in it and turned to me. “You didn’t do anything, Nash. You were honest and I appreciate that. It made me reassess things.”


  “Yes. You were right. We had a good thing going before Aunt Mae’s mistake.”

  Mistake. She said it was a mistake and it felt like a fiery spear right through my chest. “So you are upset with me.”

  “Ugh!” Vivi’s low growl was sexy as hell and I was so distracted by her that I didn’t notice her coming my way and shoving a glass in my hands. “I’m not upset,” she said instead of apologizing.

  “You are.” She was so damn frustrating I wanted to just shake her. Instead I shook my head and pulled the t-shirt off. “Just tell me why so we can work it out.”

  “You mean so we can keep having sex, right? Why can’t you just say that? Why do people have to be so dishonest?” Frustration rolled off her in waves as she turned and her eyes were angry and hurt. “Okay, fine.”


  “Let’s have sex. It’s always great between us so that’s no hardship.” She set her glass down, oblivious to the way it nearly tumbled off the counter. “Let’s do it.”

  “Vivi, stop.” I wanted her but not like this. Not angry and resentful. Even if it was hotter than shit, the way she stalked over to me and grabbed me by the waistband. “Not like this.”

  “Sorry Nash, we’re not doing this on your terms. Not anymore.” With short, jerky movements she pulled the button through the tab and yanked down my zipper. “This is what I want.”

  “Is it? Because it feels like you don’t want this.” It felt like she was reluctant but trying to make a point and I didn’t want that. I didn’t do reluctant fucks.

  “I do.” She yanked my shorts down, taking my boxers with her and taking me in hand. “But I’m in charge right now.” She was on a mission, with something to prove.

  “You’re always in charge, Vivi.” She snorted a laugh as she stroked my cock, her lips touching everywhere on my body but where I wanted them most. Second most.

  Her mouth and tongue touched me everywhere, like flames licking my sensitized skin. I couldn’t resist her even if I wanted to and sure as shit didn’t want to resist her. Especially when her tongue swirled around my nipple. Left and then right and back to left again, like she couldn’t get enough.

  But Vivi was still on her mission. Intent on pleasure but she didn’t venture higher than my neck. Never to my mouth. Goddammit. “Vivi.” Her lips skidded down my abs and lingered there for a moment. A long bliss filled fucking moment. Then she kept going south until one soft hand cupped my balls as she took me in her mouth. “Fuck, Vivi.”

  “Mmm.” She moaned around my thickening cock and I was lost. It wasn’t just the feel of her mouth, wet and hot as it slid up and down my cock, it was her scent and the way her hair brushed against my thighs. It was pure fucking heaven, the way she gripped the back of my thighs and urged me deeper into her mouth.

  It was too much but I couldn’t stop the thrust of my hips, not when she closed around me and moaned. Again. And again. “Vivi.” I was close and as much as I loved coming in her mouth I didn’t want that. Not now. “Vivi!” She groaned and took me even deeper, licking my sack and I was lost. Soft lips and a warm wet mouth sent me right over the edge into a leg trembling, body vibrating, mind numbing orgasm. “Ah shit, Vivi!”

  She sucked me for minutes longer than I needed her to until I was drained. Spent. Totally fucking satisfied. And then she stood slowly, licking her lips as her body brushed up against mine. “Satisfied?”

  “Boneless.” I slammed my mouth down on hers, tasting myself on her tongue and feeling hungry for more. It shouldn’t be so fucking hot, letting her take control like this. But it was. I let her go on a growl and felt her shiver that satisfied me down to my soul. “Vivi.”

  She stepped back, red hair tumbling around her shoulders as she leaned forward and slid a pair of wine colored panties down her legs. And tossed them at me. “I’ll be waiting for you.”

  She walked away, slowly, and I was hypnotized by the jiggle of her ass. My mouth watered and finally my legs got moving, following her. I lost sight of her but I caught a flash of flesh. A leg. “Vivi.”


  She was on
the couch, one leg resting on the back of the sofa, legs just far enough apart to tease me. Tempt me. “Open them.”

  She sat up and removed her dress before leaning back with a flirty smile. “Like this?”

  She was pink. Freshly bare and glistening. “Fuck, yeah.” I licked my lips and rounded the sofa so I stood right in front of her, and dropped to my knees. I didn’t need to say anything because words wouldn’t do. Not right now. “Just like that.” I flipped her legs over my shoulders and let the sounds she made when I ate her pussy consume me. It was like a game, lick her slowly and she purred like a mighty lioness. Suck her clit and she screamed like a porn star. Fuck her with my tongue and she turned into my dirty girl, fucking my face like it was her job.

  “Oh fuck, Nash. Fuck me. Please.” That throaty cry did me in and I got on my knees and slid into her pulsing wet heat. “Yes.”

  Too good. She felt so fucking good I was sure I died and went to heaven as she welcomed me into her body. Her pussy was wet and hot, completely fucking irresistible as it fluttered and pulsed around me. She was beautiful in her pleasure, nipples pink and hard, skin flushed and slick with sweat. “Gorgeous.”

  Thick lips curled up into a smile as she arched into me, heels digging in my ass. My hands went to her breasts, cupping them while I pounded into her. I couldn’t tear my gaze away from her, lost in her pleasure. The sight was magnificent. Breath taking, really. “Nash, yes!”

  Her thighs tightened around me and then she was in a freefall, pulsing around my cock wickedly until I felt the spark in the base of my spine, crawling up to my brain and down my balls as she milked my orgasm out of me. “Vivi, shit. Fuck! Oh!”

  I collapsed on top of her and she laughed. “Luckily, you feel so good or I might be upset. Damn, you feel good.” She pulsed around me and I groaned, which pulled another laugh from her.