Accidentally Wed: An Accidental Marriage Romance Read online

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  “She is,” I agreed, thrilled she’d remembered how important today was for me as well.

  “She also had a big bouquet of tulips. From you?”

  I frowned. “Why? Is there someone else who might buy her flowers?”

  “Tulips are Mama’s favorite,” Max offered up helpfully.

  Yes, they were, and the brief delight on her face when I handed them to her was worth the humiliation of going inside the girliest shop in town and asking for the rainbow tulip bouquet.


  Nash chuckled and I wanted to punch him, but the fucker knew I wouldn’t with the kids there. “No one that I’m aware of, man.” He did a decent good job of holding in his laughter. For about five seconds. “Sorry man, but your face was priceless.”

  “Yeah, laugh it up.” I probably deserved every bit of his teasing considering how unbearable he’d been before he and Vivi had figured their shit out. “Just know that I will find a way to get you back.”

  “How come you don’t stay over anymore, Zeke? Are you mad at us?”

  Aw, shit. “He-, uh heck no Max. Like your mama said, things have been busy getting all this done. Remember?”

  Max nodded and looked around again as though he were seeing the place for the first time. “Yeah, but Mama said you probably hired professionals, right?”

  Nash snickered beside me, and this time I did let an elbow loose in his side. “Oof. Punk.”

  Norah turned to Max, looking more grownup than a nine year old had a right to be. “Grownups sometimes fight, usually over stupid stuff. Don’t worry, he’ll get her flowers and something nice and they’ll be making kissy faces all over the house real soon.” The way she shuddered made me laugh and I turned to Nash.

  “If that’s the face she makes, you and Vivi must be doing it wrong.” I clapped my friend on the back with a laugh. “I’ll let you finish your meals. On me.”

  Nash shook his head. “No can do. It’s on Vivi, actually. Her way of showing her support while she’s helping Maddie.”

  “You gotta come back with us, Zeke! Mama made some very beautiful dresses.” How anyone was ever able to resist this kid, I had no fucking clue.

  “You know I don’t wear dresses, don’t you Max?”

  He laughed so hard he cried, doubled over in his chair with all of the joy of a kid his age. “You’d look pretty funny in a dress.”

  “You don’t know that, maybe I’d make a hot woman.”

  Norah shook her head. “You have too many muscles, like Daddy.”

  Nash flexed his muscles, sending both kids into a fit of giggles. “Nah, Daddy’s muscles are bigger.”

  “So, you’re coming back with us, right Zeke?” The kid was relentless, but I couldn’t deny that a part of me couldn’t wait to see Maddie again.

  “I’d love to, kid.”

  “All right!” He held up his hand, waiting for someone to high-five him and I was happy to oblige because it was nice that at least one of the Trentons wanted me around.

  I went to check on things inside the dining room and bar, chatting with customers and employees to make sure everything was going according to plan. “Hey Nate, I’m going to head out for a bit, to Maddie’s thing. Hold down the fort for me, yeah?”

  “Sure thing. Send all the single ladies down here for a post-shopping drink. I hear that shopping really works up an appetite.”

  I shook my head and left, joining Nash and the kids at the front exit. “We ready to get out of here?”

  Max grabbed my hand like it was something he did all the time. The move was so full of trust and love that it humbled me for a second. Listening to his chatter as we made our way towards High St. Fashions was the perfect distraction, because I didn’t want to think about whether or not Maddie might give me the cold shoulder in public. Not that I didn’t deserve it, because I did, but I just hoped she didn’t. Damn, when did I become such a pussy?

  “Don’t forget to tell Mama her dresses look very pretty, okay?”

  ‘No problem, little man.”

  The kid already had better manners than most of the grown men I knew. He was also very protective of his mother. It had just been him and his mom for most of his young life.

  As soon as High St. Fashions came into view, I smiled. The inside was packed and the door had been opened so music filtered out onto the street where even more women lingered, drinking from plastic champagne flutes and laughing. It was like happy hour combined with shopping. Whatever it was, it seemed to be working for Maddie’s shop.

  “Oh this is absolutely perfect!” Aunt Mae came flying out of the shop, her red tipped nails aimed right at me. “Zeke this is perfect! With you here we can do a cleansing and protecting spell for both new ventures!” She clapped her hands, drawing the attention of all the people strolling along the main drag.

  “You mean you’re splitting our protection? Mae, I’m shocked and hurt.”

  “Oh, you kidder,” she said, reaching up to pinch my cheek like I was Max’s age. “Don’t you worry about that, this spell will be doubly strong because we’ll do it together. Maddie, get your cute booty out here so we can get this spell on the road!”

  I didn’t know how in the hell to respond to that, so I kept a smile in place and let Aunt Mae guide me to the eye of the crazy storm.

  * * *

  “Are you sure you know what you’re doing, Mae?” Maddie’s voice was thick with skepticism and suspicion.

  “Oh, of course I am girl.” Aunt Mae tutted, looking a tad insulted at Maddie’s question. “I’ve studied everything. Twice. But since Zeke is here now, we can just double up now.”

  Maddie let out a strangled groan and kept her hands at her sides, instead of offering one to Mae. “That doesn’t sound like how spells work, Mae. I’ve lived here long enough to know that turning up the heat won’t make the cake cook faster, it’ll just burn it.” Maddie’s voice softened. “I’m not questioning your abilities Mae, but the last time you did a spell you accidentally married two people.”

  Shit, how in the hell could I have forgotten that? Nash and Vivi had been accidentally married thanks to Mae’s spell mix up. It worked out well for them, but seeing as Maddie barely looked at me, I didn’t hold out the same hope. Not that I was in the market for a wife, but maybe a forgiveness spell wouldn’t hurt.

  “She does have a point Aunt Mae.”

  Mae scoffed. “Well if they hadn’t been secretly doing the hibbity-jibbity, they could have annulled the marriage. Are you two still doing the hibbity-jibbity?”

  “No. Absolutely not,” Maddie added a little too quickly. “But I don’t have the time or energy for this Mae, so please, I’m begging you, be sure.”

  “I am,” Mae said so quickly that even I didn’t believe her. “Now give me your hand,” she said to Maddie and took my hand, looping a scrap of silk around our wrists. “Oh dear, we need more fabric.” Mae looked around the street for several minutes which was odd since we stood in front of a store full of fabric. “This will have to do,” she said and began to rip the bottom of my work tee.

  “Hey! This isn’t that kind of show, woman!”

  She smacked my hands away with a snicker. “Oh please, like you don’t like all this ogling.” Mae gestured to all the women who were watching closely. Too damn close. “Doesn’t he look good enough to eat, Maddie?”

  “Mae, please.” Maddie glanced down at her phone before shoving it back in her pocket. “The point of all this is for people to shop. Remember?”

  “Yes, of course I do. If you’d stop arguing and let me get on with it, we’d be done by now.”

  Maddie’s response was to just grumble to herself, barely more than a warm body instead of a willing participant.

  Once our wrists were firmly secure, Mae squeezed us closer until the left side of my body was flush against her right side. “Since Maddie and Zeke are doing their part to revitalize Main Street specifically, and Belle Musique in general, I’m going to make sure their businesses are free of negat
ive influences and protected.” Proud that she had finished her little speech with no problems, Mae turned back to me and Maddie, and began the spell.

  I was born and raised—and educated—in New York City so it all sounded like gibberish to me, but I knew Belle Musique was a hop, skip and jump away from New Orleans and the folks here took their voodoo and juju seriously. Not much of it made sense to me, so I just stood there and let Maddie’s warmth seep into me, her sensual jasmine scent brought memories of our time together rushing back. “Now I’ll head inside and do a more thorough cleanse.”

  “Ok, great. Thanks, Aunt Mae.” Maddie grinned and wrapped the older woman in a tight hug. “Love you.”

  “Love you too, sweet girl. Go on and enjoy your day. Congratulations again, honey.” Mae cupped her face gently and gave Maddie a long look before turning away and heading back inside High St. Fashions.

  Maddie followed Mae inside and I couldn’t help it, I followed the sway of her hips in a sexy little yellow and white number that hugged her curves everywhere. The melodic movement of her hips and that round ass would make me follow her anywhere, but when she looked over her shoulder with that knowing smile, I felt my dick grow hard behind my zipper.

  “Eyes up, Zeke.”

  “Well darlin’, your hair is beautiful, just not as beautiful as your backside.”

  “You don’t quit, do you?”

  I joined Maddie in picking up overturned cups and paper plates at the front of store, bagging it up and taking it out back to the trash. “How’s the launch going?” My voice startled her out of her thoughts.

  “Jeez, you’re too big to move so ninja-like.” Hand over her heart, she shook her head and a tumble of hair spread around her shoulders. “So far, so good.” Typical Maddie to downplay her success, so I left her in the break room and went to the dress display.

  “You sold all but one dress.” That had to be even better than she’d hoped for considering the shop was open for a few more hours.

  “It’s more than I could have hoped for,” she said with a casual shrug. “I’m happy with the turnout.” Her words sounded right, but there was no hiding the disappointment in her eyes.

  I’d like to believe I would have made the offer even if I didn’t want her back so bad I could taste it, but I wasn’t normally that nice of a guy. I grabbed the turquoise silk and set it on the counter right beside the register. “There’s no price tag.”

  “What do you think you’re doing, Zeke?”

  “The dress is for you to wear on our date.”

  She blinked slowly, long lashes fanning sharp cheekbones as my words registered. “That’s not necessary.”

  I leaned on the glass counter with one arm so I was right in her space. “As much as I’d love to have you without any clothes on our next date, I’m not that kind of guy. And since I’d never tell a woman what to wear, consider this a suggestion.”

  A laugh bubbled up out of her, and I let out a breath I didn’t even realize I was holding. But I couldn’t deny that it felt good to be the reason for her smile instead of her damning frown.

  “So if I were to press up against you right now, or better yet, ask you to give it to me fast and hard in the fitting room, you’d say…?”

  So kitten wants to play?

  I stood back and adjusted my rock-hard cock in my pants, smiling when her gaze slid down to the obvious bulge. “I wouldn’t say a damn thing, just pick you up in my arms and give you exactly what you wanted. Because that’s what you want.” She licked her lips and I fought the urge to taste them. “For now, I’ll just have to be content with going home and stroking one out with thoughts of your pretty little mouth wrapped around my cock.” Even now my dick strained against the zipper just thinking about the way she really got into sucking me off. “Because I know you like it.”

  Her pupils dilated and the little pulse at the base of her neck fluttered like a feather in a windstorm. “Zeke,” she whispered.

  Needing to change the subject before I really did have my wicked way with her inside one of the luxury fitting rooms, I glanced around the store happy to see plenty of bare shelves and racks. “You had a good day.”

  She cleared her throat. “I did, but I hear you did as well. In fact, you’re probably about to get slammed with hungry shoppers very soon.”

  “Probably, and I appreciate you sending them my way, but right now there’s someone else on my mind.” She couldn’t deny she was still attracted to me, because it was obvious with the appreciation in her eyes, the way her tongue slicked across her lush pink lips. The heat in her eyes gave me hope. “So, Friday works for you?”

  She sighed, the rejection forming on her lips. “We don’t need to go out Zeke, I’ve already forgiven you.”

  “Good, you should forgive me because it was a misunderstanding I promise to explain. But this date is about right now and this dress. I want to take you out because I’ve missed you.” That admission didn’t shame me the way I thought it would, and the smile that lit her big honey brown eyes did something to me. But still she remained quiet. Contemplating another way to get out of the date. “Oh right, how silly of me. You probably need lingerie for this dress?” My eyes scanned the entire shop before landing on the wall of sexy, silky things.

  “Okay fine,” she said, smiling as she held up her hands to stop me from picking out lingerie for her. “It’s a date, but only if you don’t buy me lingerie. I’m serious, Zeke.”

  “Of course,” I scoffed. “Everyone knows that lingerie is for the second date. Maybe it’s the third, I don’t know.” She laughed as I hoped she would and waved me off.

  “Okay, get out of here before I change my mind.”

  “See you Friday, beautiful.” A week was too long to wait, but it was more than enough time for Maddie’s anticipation to build.

  And for me to come up with a date that would make her remember just how much fun we had together.


  Mondays were my favorite even though most people dreaded the day. High St. Fashions was closed on Mondays, and since it was summer, I could sleep in just a bit before I took care of all the things I’d neglected around the house all week. By then, Max would be back from day camp and I got to relax and hang out with him without worrying about homework.

  But first, the chores. After getting Max off to summer day camp with minimal fuss, I came home and changed into a pair of shorts and a ratty old tank top and cleaned the house from top to bottom. The house wasn’t all that dirty, but it had to be done today, or by next Monday it would look like a tornado had ripped through it. Max was pretty good about putting away his toys and dirty clothes, but he was still a little boy and didn’t bother to tell me when he ran out of clean underwear.

  Which meant laundry was next. All three loads of it, which seemed like a lot for a mere seven days for two people, but summers in Belle Musique were a sweaty affair. And it seemed like the perfect task to get my mind off of my date with Zeke. In four days.

  Why was he so set on a date now, months after things had gone belly up between us? I didn’t doubt his sincerity, even though I probably should, because there was no reason for him to lie. Not that it’s ever stopped a man from lying.

  “Dammit and here I was, thinking about the one person I said I wouldn’t.”

  Luckily the phone rang, and if it wasn’t Zeke, then it would be a very welcome distraction. “Hello?”

  “I hope you’re out of breath because you just got your world rocked?” Vivi’s laughter rang down the line and I shook my head and shoved the first load of laundry into the wash.

  “Try again. More like I’m old and out of breath from cleaning. Really sexy, right?” We both laughed at my breathless delivery. “What’s up? Writer’s Block?”

  Vivi sucked in a breath and I could feel the outrage pouring out of her. “Bite your tongue, woman!”

  “Okay. Are you in labor, then?”

  “No,” she sighed heavily. “I just wanted to make sure we’re cool. I know I g
ot a little aggressive defending Zeke and urging you to give him another chance.”

  “Vivi, stop. We’re fine, I swear. But maybe focus on that handsome husband of yours, Norah and the little one on the way?” Her plate was full to overflowing and she was worrying about me. The woman is a saint.

  “Yeah, you’re right. Plus, you’re going on a date with him, so clearly you can’t keep punishing me.”

  I sighed as I made my way to the kitchen and to a single parent’s favorite accessory. The slow cooker. Just pop the food in and turn on the heat and hours later, a happy hearty meal that also happened to be healthy.

  “I’m not punishing you, Vivi. But I want you to butt out. Can’t you understand that?” It was too hot for soup so I decided to make my little boy’s favorite meal. Lasagna.

  “No, I can’t actually. I’m your best friend, Maddie and I’m worried about you.”

  “Vivi. Do you remember how weird things were the past few months, with you trying to push us together? No matter what happens, which is nothing, I don’t want a repeat of that. Ever.”

  “Does this mean you’re giving Zeke a second chance?”

  I shook my head even though Vivi couldn’t’ see me. “No. It means he feels some desire to make amends, and I’m going to let him in the hopes that we can leave this all in the past once and for all.” That wasn’t the entire truth, but it was all Vivi would get today. Lord knows the woman didn’t need any more ammunition.

  “You’re no fun. But fine, I’ll stop meddling. But I’m totally writing your story for my readers and you can’t stop me.” Before I could say a word in response, Vivi ended the call with a laugh.

  The doorbell rang while I was wrist-deep in ricotta, parmesan and all the other cheeses that make lasagna go straight to my hips. “Who is it?” I winced at my volume, thinking how much trouble Max would be in if he did the same.

  The only response was another ring and I groaned, still mixing the herbs with the cheese mixture before washing my hands and heading to the door. Since I just got off the phone with Vivi, I didn’t know who would be visiting in the middle of the day.