Accidentally Wed: An Accidental Marriage Romance Read online

Page 6

  “Any word on when the little one is supposed to arrive, or are you working on the kindergarten labor plan?” Even to me it felt like she’d been pregnant forever, so I could only imagine how it felt to Vivi.

  “If nothing happens by next Tuesday, we’re inducing. I’m so uncomfortable, and hot. And horny. And Nash is acting like I’m a piece of spun glass which really sucks because my reach isn’t exactly what it used to be, if you know what I mean.”

  “Well his reach is the same as it’s always been, right?”

  Her green eyes gleamed with delight. “Maddie, you’re a genius!” Without lifting her gaze, Vivi reached for her phone and let her thumbs fly over the keyboard. “I’m sorry things didn’t pan out with Zeke.”

  “Me too.”

  “They could pan out, you know. If you decide to forgive him and wipe the slate clean. Start anew.”

  That sounded nice, but it wasn’t realistic. “Don’t you think I tried? I spent the entire ride home asking myself if I could get over being brushed aside Vivi, and the thing is, I could have. If Zeke realized he’d done something wrong.” The idiot was so focused on the fact that he hadn’t cheated on me that he didn’t see the real problem.

  “Well men are stupid. It’s their curse since we get to sit down to pee and have periods.”

  “You are completely crazy!” For the first time since Friday, I felt normal again. “I guess that’s one way to look at it.”

  “It’s the only way, Maddie. You guys are electric together, and let’s not forget that Max loves him to pieces.”

  “Max is who I’m thinking about. He’s why I can’t take a risk on a man who already hurt me once without even thinking about it. Right now, there’s still a chance for Max to keep Zeke in his life, but that won’t be the case when we try and fail.”

  “If you try and fail, you mean, right? Because it’s not guaranteed.”

  I thought about Vivi’s words and I wished I could let myself believe her, because the few months I had with Zeke had been nice. Too nice, it turns out.

  “It’s very likely and you know it. He’s never really had a serious relationship and he’s not sure if he’s ready for one. I think he just feels bad how things turned out between us, but he’ll get over it.”

  “Maybe. But will you?”

  “I have to, I don’t have a choice.” I finally had everything in my life falling into place. The shop was doing well and Max was incredible. I couldn’t risk screwing that all up over another failed attempt at love.

  “You do have a choice, and for some reason you’re choosing to be scared.”

  That stung, but she wasn’t wrong. “You’re right and I can only hope that you never know what it feels like to be tossed away by the father of your kid.”

  “Shit, Maddie. I’m sorry. I wasn’t even thinking.”

  “It’s fine, really. As bad as you felt after what your so-called friends did to you in Chicago, imagine how I felt when it was the man I thought I would marry doing it.” I stood, no longer interested in this conversation because it hurt to think about. “Want some chicken riggies?”

  She groaned and tried to swing her legs to the floor and failed miserably. “Sounds amazing but I’m just going to sit here a while and then I’ll join you in the kitchen.”

  I laughed and left her to her own devices, knowing she’d rather struggle for fifteen minutes that accept help for something she was perfectly capable of doing. “Suit yourself.”

  “Or you could have mercy on a fat pregnant woman and just bring the food to me!” I could hear the smile in her voice undercutting her words.

  “I could, but I don’t want to coddle you, Vivi. You’re not made of spun glass, you know!”

  “Tyrant,” she muttered and the only sounds I heard for a few minutes was the sound of Vivi struggling to stand on her own.

  Stubborn woman. “You want some help?”

  “No,” she said from the doorway of the kitchen. “I’m pregnant, not handicapped.”

  “Thought so,” I told her, happy the conversation had finally turned a corner.


  Middle of the week lunch shifts were busy as hell. But it was fine by me, because Nate got to take charge of the whole place while I focused on inventory and payroll for Friday. It was a tedious, thankless job, but every week it was like a pat on the back. Since the restaurant had opened up, I didn’t have to hold my breath when I opened up the accounting program and worry that I wouldn’t have enough to cover payroll.

  Things were definitely looking up in the regard. Too bad where Maddie was concerned, I was even further away than ever. Dinner had been delicious and the show was amazing, but otherwise it had been an unmitigated disaster that was of my own creation. I just hadn’t anticipated her being so pissed off.

  And I really should have known better, because she was right. If she’d done what I had, I would probably never forgive her.

  “Shit.” Thoughts of Maddie took up too much of my day, but most days those thoughts included plenty of images of her naked and writhing beneath me. Riding me. Calling out my name in that low sensual moan that never failed to get a rise out of me. Today it was mostly guilt, and my brain wouldn’t stop replaying the stricken look on her face when she realized the truth of what I’d done.

  A knock sounded on the door. I looked up irritated because Nate knew not to bother me until I emerged from this office with a smile on my face. “What?” The door opened revealing the last person I expected to see. “What are you doing back here, Shayla?”

  She smiled and sauntered inside wearing a short denim skirt that showed off more than it covered, which was her specialty. A tight white tank top hugged big tits covered up in a bright red bra and one strap fell down her shoulder. Classic Shalya.

  “I came to see you.”

  I dropped the time sheets on the desk, and watched as she stuck her chest out just a little more. You know, in case the DD’s weren’t obvious enough. “I’m busy.”

  “I’m sure I can find some interesting ways to distract you.” She ran a long red nail across the length of my desk. “I know you’re free because I heard the little shop girl dumped you.” Shayla’s smile was as fake as everything else about her, which I appreciated in a sex buddy. Not so much anymore. “Too bad.”

  I grabbed her hand when she leaned over and tried to pull me forward. “What’s going on with Maddie and me is none of your business, Shay.” When I didn’t let her hand go, she took it as an invitation to drape herself across the desk. “I’m not interested.”

  She smiled like she didn’t believe me. “That kiss said otherwise.”

  Now it was my turn to bark out a laugh of disbelief. “What kiss? You leaned in to kiss me and I felt sorry for you and I didn’t want to reject you in front of the whole restaurant, which was a fucking mistake.” Of epic proportions it turns out, and even though it wasn’t fair to blame her, I couldn’t help it.

  “Since she’s done with you there’s no problem if we have some fun together, is there?”

  “Goddammit, Shayla what part of ‘not interested’ don’t you understand?” I stood, forcing her to step back or fall over on her ridiculous but sexy heels. “I don’t want you. We had fun and you’re a cool chick, but I’ve moved on.”

  Anger darkened her features and she crossed her arms, still trying to keep her tits in my line of sight. “What, so now you’re a family guy? A one woman man? Please!”

  “What I am, is no concern of yours. I said I’m not interested and I suggest you leave now.”

  “You asshole! We could have dated and I don’t even have a little brat to worry about. What’s so special about Maddie?” I hated that Shayla was getting hysterical, especially because there was never anything between us but sex.

  “This isn’t about Maddie, it’s about me. I don’t have to explain myself to you so leave. Please.”

  “Fine, I’ll leave. But when she tosses you aside, don’t come running back to me.” She stood there, chest heaving, bu
t her eyes were wide and desperate, waiting for me to change my mind.

  “I wouldn’t dream of it. Good luck to you, Shayla. The guy you’re looking for is out there, he just ain’t me.”

  Tears pooled in her eyes and I felt bad, but the little devil on my shoulder reminded me that feeling bad had cost me Maddie. “Jerk!” Thankfully, she finally got the hint and stomped off on four inch heels.

  “Didn’t even close the fucking door,” I grumbled and turned back to the spreadsheet that I really didn’t feel like dealing with at the moment.

  “Good for you, Zeke.” Aunt Mae leaned against the door jamb with her arms folded and a smile curving up hot pink lips.

  “Is there a line out there of people determined to distract me from paying my employees?”

  Mae stepped inside the office, looking around with a little smirk. “There’s more than one way to find out what’s going in this town, Zeke. I would think you’ve learned that by now.” She arched a brow and I nodded in concession to the truth. Belle Musique was a small town in the truest sense of the word, and gossip was currency for a certain set. “Besides, the gossip was just a bonus. I come bearing gifts.” Her eyes gleamed as she held up a plain white paper bag in one hand and a lone purple orchid in the other, kind of a twisted Lady Justice with her scales.

  “Thanks, Mae but I’m good. I have plenty to do before I can stop for a break.”

  She tutted and rolled her eyes. “Not for you boy. For Maddie. It’s her favorite, so she’ll definitely give you the time of day.”

  I froze and looked up at the crafty older woman. “Why wouldn’t she, Mae?”

  “Come on, Zeke. I wasn’t born yesterday. Well that, and the spirits have indicated that all is not well between the love birds when it should be. Consider me your Fairy Aunt.” Her flowery perfume took over the room as she leaned on the front of my desk and set the bag beside her. “It’s Gateaux’s shrimp po boy with waffle fries. Don’t screw it up.”

  “It’s too late for that, Mae. It’s screwed all the way up right now.” And Shayla’s little visit would probably exacerbate things. Since somebody was bound to tell Maddie she showed up again.

  “Nonsense.” She circled the desk and pressed those pink lips to my cheek. “Everything will be fine, just be honest. Maddie’s been through a lot Zeke. Show her you’re worth the risk.” With those parting words of wisdom, Aunt Mae sauntered out of my office with only the sound of her jangling bracelets behind her.

  I really did need to get through payroll and inventory because both were due soon, as in a couple days away soon. But that po boy sat on the edge of my desk and mocked me. Mercilessly. “Go to her,” it said even as I tried to plow my way through my work. “You know you want to…” it taunted.

  “Screw it!”

  As soon as the payroll was completed I stood and grabbed Mae’s gifts, heading out of the restaurant towards High St. Fashions. The last thing I wanted was more gossip about my failed attempts to win back the sweet single mom, so I slipped through the alley and knocked on the back door to Maddie’s shop.

  Maddie pushed the door open, quickly concealing her shock and all the other emotions clouding her eyes. “Zeke, what are you doing here?”

  “I came to see you. And I come bearing gifts.” I held up both hands, and surprisingly, she took the orchid first.

  “You don’t have to keep buying me things. You know that, right?”

  I smiled. Maddie was so young to be such a natural nurturer, but she was, constantly looking after everyone else and making sure they were cared for. It was an appealing quality in a woman, but for me, it was the moments she was wild and sarcastic with a hint of attitude. That turned me on, big time.

  “Of course I do. Have you started working on more dresses?”

  A flash of, I don’t know, awareness, or maybe appreciation had my blood warming in my veins. “I have a few designs I’m looking to create, but I have to find the right fabric first. You didn’t come here to talk about my dresses.” Arms crossed, she wore her best ‘Mom’ stare and waited me out.

  “No, I came to give you the food and the flower, and this is called a conversation. It’s how people get it know one another.” I shoved the bag into her free hand and took the orchid from her. “You should eat before your food gets cold.”

  She rolled those pretty eyes towards the sky. “You’re bossy.”

  Even though I felt like a bull in a China shop, I found the perfect spot for the beautiful orchid. It just happened to be the display window with several different pieces of lingerie, each one the color of red wine.

  “Not bossy, just trying to help.”

  “By bringing my favorite sandwich?”

  I nodded and followed her back to the break room, happy to get away from the sexy frilly things on display, because the only thing it did was make my mind conjure up images of Maddie wearing them all. “I could have brought your least favorite sandwich, but I don’t know what it is, and I didn’t think it’d get me very far with you.” Standing in the doorway, I watched her pull out a wooden chair and drop down into it, smiling at the sandwich she was doing her best to eat like a lady.

  “I’m glad you got this instead, it’s been too long. But still, you didn’t have to.”

  “I know.” Mustering up every ounce of self-control I possessed, I stepped into the break room and took the seat closest to her. “I wanted to.”

  “Why?” It was clear to see she was suspicious and I didn’t blame her one bit, it was warranted.

  “Because I’m not ready to give up on us just because you say so. I might not be the safest bet Maddie, but I like you. A lot. And I think you like me too, my past mistakes aside. So I’ve decided that I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Please, Zeke…”

  “Damn, Maddie I really love to hear you beg.” Even though my tone was kidding, I meant every fucking word. When her voice pitched all low and breathy like that, it shot straight to my cock.

  “You really are incorrigible.” She laughed and gave my shoulder a shove but I didn’t budge, not when her scent wrapped around me like an embrace. “Don’t you have work to do?”

  “I’m nearly done for today, but I had a feeling that watching you eat would be far more satisfying than ordering more liquor.”

  “Okay, all done.” She balled up the parchment paper and dropped it on the foil, balling it all up and tossing it in the trash. “Thank you for lunch, Zeke.”

  “Anytime. I love watching you eat.” She blushed prettily and washed her hands before turning and pushing my chest.

  “Time for you to go,” she said with a laugh, shoving me through the back door, but I held her hands to my chest and pulled her outside with me. “What are you doing?”

  “What I should have done last week, and the week before that,” I told her, trapping her between me and the brick wall of her store. Then I lowered my head to hers until our lips touched in an electrical storm. The kiss was long and slow, a torturing kiss that slowly tore down all of her barriers and when one hand fisted in my shirt and the other at the nape of my neck, I thrust further into her warm mouth. My tongue tangled with hers, laying claim to her sweetness until she moaned and her knees bent.

  It was my turn to groan when her hands slid around my shoulders and down my chest, down and down until her fingertips slipped inside my waistband and she yanked me closer. I moaned into her mouth and pressed my body into hers fully.

  Maddie pulled back too damn soon, licking her lips like she just needed one final taste of me. Of us, together. Her eyes were wild and dark, like she was this close to coming.

  “This doesn’t mean anything.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong, Maddie. It means everything.” I dropped one more kiss on her lips and then walked away, finally believing that this was really going to happen.


  Today was one of those days where nothing felt quite right, but nothing was wrong either.

  Not yet, anyway. The shop had an unusual amou
nt of foot traffic. Which was always great, especially since many of them were taking advantage of the sale on lingerie sets that had started this morning. But I wasn’t foolish enough to believe bras and panties were the cause of my increased revenue.

  There was only one thing that would get Belle Musique this amped up.

  Sweet, salacious juicy gossip. Even the thought of it made me groan, though I kept it to myself because I was a professional.

  “Thanks for stopping by Trish. Don’t forget to sign up for the newsletter for a discount on your next purchase.”

  Trish Danvers smiled at me. “As much money as I spend in here and you spend at my coffee shop, I’m not really sure a discount helps.” Her laugh was as bubbly and cute as she was, if a laugh could be petite and blond with big blue eyes.

  “True, but every little bit helps. I reload my punch card faithfully. Every two weeks.” A fact that should have embarrassed me, but didn’t.

  “See you around, Maddie. Give me a heads up when you have more of those fabulous dresses!”

  “Will do, Trish. Have a good day.”

  “You too,” she said, turning with a wave just before the exit. “Oh and congratulations!” With a wink, she stepped out into the late morning sunshine.

  With a few minutes of peace, I restocked the French knickers and thongs, today’s bestsellers. I’d just finished when Mrs. LaFontaine shuffled in with her best friend and partner in crime, Betty Crinkle.

  “Good morning ladies and welcome to High St. Fashions. Can I help you find anything today?”

  “I want something sexy, but nothing that says I’m easy,” Mrs. LaFontaine announced with a conspiratorial wink. “You know exactly what I mean, I’m sure.”

  I froze, unsure if that was supposed to be a compliment or an insult. “I’m afraid I don’t, but I do have some pieces that are beautiful but modest, right this way.”

  “I suppose it doesn’t matter much what she wears with curves like that,” Betty said in a tone that was half-compliment and half-envy. “Enjoy it while you can sweetheart, age and gravity comes for us all eventually.”