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That Hot Night: A Firefighter Romance Page 6
That Hot Night: A Firefighter Romance Read online
Page 6
“Yeah,” Jase said boldly as the other two slunk backwards until they were no longer inside my office. “Any gossip to share? Help me keep the old ladies out of my business?”
“Nope. Cause there’s nothing to tell.”
“Damn, it’s like that huh?” Jase huffed out a laugh and shook his head. “I told Bo you’d be a tougher nut than Janey.”
“Or maybe there’s nothing there, and the matchmakers are just trying to psych you out.”
He glared at me for a long moment, and then he shrugged and walked out of my office. Whistling. Like a maniac. But that was Jase, as easy going as they come.
Finally, I could turn my attention back to Janey.
I do wish. But what are you wearing…really?
You first.
I smiled at the screen and shook my head. Nothing but my turnout gear.
She sent two words that brought a smile to my face. Prove it.
Just as I was about to respond, a call came through quickly followed by the alarm. Duty was the only thing that didn’t trump Janey these days, so I shoved my phone in my pocket and went to manage the chaos.
Prove it. What in the hell was I thinking, sending a message like that to a guy like Rafe? It was as good as waving a red flag in front of a bull. Except this bull was six plus feet of sexy firefighter, and not at all color blind. I’d argue that Rafe saw everything, whether you wanted him to or not. It was what made him so good with women, he knew exactly how to give a girl what she wanted. And make sure she came panting back for more.
Like me. Obviously. All the signs were there to say this was a bad idea, to remind me of our first encounter and the immediate aftermath. But for some reason I didn’t care. I wanted Rafe. I wanted him again and like I’d never wanted another person, no matter how much it might hurt later.
But none of that mattered, because we were just flirting. Having fun because that’s who Rafe was, a good time guy. Sure, he was the responsible Fire Chief with all that entailed, but personally he was light and care-free. It was appealing in a way because I knew what to expect from Rafe, or rather what not to expect, which was love and commitment. And that was fine with me.
Wasn’t it?
I couldn’t decide. And it was agonizing. As I sat in the office of my photo studio, editing my last photo shoot, I wondered what was holding me back. If there was no hope of Rafe falling for me, then there was no good reason not to give in to him. Again.
I didn’t know, so I shoved all thoughts of Rafe out of my mind and got back to work. The bride and groom would leave on their honeymoon in less than a week and wanted something to show their family before they left. Weddings weren’t my favorite way to earn a living, but the work was steady and it paid well, which allowed me to pursue all my other photographic pursuits. The soothing sound of silence made it easy to push all thoughts of Rafe away while I first got rid of all the unusable photos and then prettied up the remaining shots. Bride’s orders.
The chime sounded over the entrance door to the studio and instinctively I stood, knowing that things were so laidback in Tulip that the visitor would either browse the photo gallery or come in search of me.
There was no sound for a long moment and then the low clack of heels, not stilettos. A moment later Elizabeth appeared with a smile.
“Janey dear, there you are.”
I let out a long sigh, but tried hard to hide my annoyance at her appearance. I didn’t have anything against Elizabeth, but the matchmakers were on a mission and I didn’t have time to dodge them.
“Here I am, Elizabeth. What can I do for you?”
She shrugged, looking like she’d just stepped off the cover of a fashion magazine in her lightweight dress slacks and matching cardigan set, accessorized with pearls. Of course. “Well I was just walking by and saw you were open and that got me to wondering why you were in here when the biggest story to hit Tulip since the Hometown Heroes is out at the old grain mill?”
I’m pretty sure my eyes bugged out of my head at her words. “What? When did this happen?” I’d been texting with Rafe just a few minutes ago and he hadn’t said a word. Surely the fire house would have gotten a call?
“It’s happening right now, girl. The fire trucks rolled out about ten minutes ago. I thought you’d be headed out for photos. Or to see if that yummy Chief of yours is all right.” The smirk she wore was incorrigible and I had to shake my head. But it did explain why Rafe hadn’t responded to my last text.
“You girls don’t give up, do ya?”
Elizabeth blinked, a totally deceptive innocent look on her face, which she managed to hold for three full seconds before it crumbled into a mischievous smile. “What would be the fun in that?”
“Thanks for the heads up, Elizabeth.”
“No problem. I’ll hitch a ride with you once you get all your photo gear together.” The way she and the other matchmakers could get you to do things you hadn’t agreed to was a superpower, and I wanted to learn it. Badly. “Make it snappy dear, before the whole thing is over when we get there.”
Ten minutes later, I had just enough gear to get the pictures I needed. It was more important to get the photos than it was to make them artistic, though that was my plan.
“Here we are.”
“Thanks for the ride, Janey.”
“No problem,” I told her distractedly, my gaze already on the orange and purple blaze lighting up the sky. Strange how something so destructive could be so beautiful. My fingers itched to capture it all, and I jumped from the car and grabbed my easy hand-held camera with the multi-use lens. From the moment my feet touched the dirt, I didn’t stop shooting. The fire was wild, and the gentle breeze made it difficult to contain, but watching Rafe and the Tulip firefighters work was transfixing. I couldn’t look away as I snapped photo after photo of the firefighters listening to the orders Rafe issued, nodding and disbursing to do his bidding.
And Rafe, watching him in action was as hypnotic as if he’d been naked. He stood tall, with his spine straight and one hand on his hip and he issued commands to the waiting team. They respected his knowledge and trusted him to guide them through the dangerous maze of the mill. He didn’t just bark orders though, he asked questions and deferred to his men when it was needed, and he used a firm hand to make sure they got medical attention when they needed it. Watching the way he commanded and cared in equal measure, I was more attracted to Rafe than ever.
In that moment, what I wanted crystallized. Solidified. Rafe Montgomery. I wanted him as badly as I did that night in Santa Fe and I had no good reason to keep fighting it. Not when I’d already determined that he would never want more, and certainly not with me. Which meant my heart was in no actual danger.
But I could enjoy a few days or weeks of being in his arms, of experiencing the erotic pleasures he could give me. Of dragging my tongue up and down his naked body. Yeah, I could definitely do that.
An idea started to form, and once the fire had been fully extinguished, I made my escape since Elizabeth had gotten a ride with Betty. Everyone was safe, but for the mill was completely destroyed. The property was neglected, and no one was quite sure who owned it anyway.
Once at home, I took a quick shower and went through the photos I’d taken, sending a few relevant ones to Ginger, so she would have art for the stories on the fire in the Gazette tomorrow morning. With a tall glass of peach and bourbon tea, I looked at the photos I’d taken of Rafe and his men. The job they did and how seriously they took it was mesmerizing, and I knew these photos were the beginning of something new. Something different.
The sound of the doorbell pulled me out of my thoughts and I blinked away the eyestrain. “Coming!” No one in Tulip stood on ceremony, so it could have been anyone. But my money was on my Uncle Leland, who loved nothing more than a late evening drive-by, like he might catch me in the middle of an orgy or something. I pulled the door open and froze.
Rafe stood on my doorstep shirtless, in nothing but his protective fire pants. “Here’s your proof.” His voice was low and deep. Thick with desire. “What are you gonna do about it?”
I don’t know how I managed it, but I swallowed around the lump in my throat and tore my gaze from his naked torso to his smirking face. Then I grabbed him by those really hot red suspenders and yanked him inside my house with a smile just for him.
“So. Many. Things.”
What was meant to be a cute gesture and yeah, sure, a bit of a bluff calling, had quickly turned into…something else. After the fire at the mill and all the paperwork that comes along with a structure being rendered useless from fire and water damage, I didn’t want to go home. So, I grabbed a pair of the extra protective fire pants and did something that ended up working out.
The look in Janey’s eyes when she saw me in my pants and fire hat, was priceless. Her obvious approval was enough to have me hard in an instant. It fired up my blood so it slogged through my veins, slowing down every second until it felt like ten. And when she grabbed my suspenders and yanked me inside, making promises I hoped she planned on keeping, I was powerless to do anything but give in. We’d been dancing around each other enough and this was the culmination of that.
Her words echoed in my mind. So. Many. Things. I wasn’t sure if it was a promise or a threat, and I didn’t really give a damn, not when she threw herself in my arms and not when she fused her soft lips to mine, holding me close as she explored the depths of my mouth. Instantly I was back there, to that first night. Janey’s first night ever. She devoured me, her tongue exploring and tasting, trying to figure out what I liked.
What I wanted.
It all worked for me. The way her tongue rubbed against mine was as erotic as a porn star, more so because she was on a mission, seeking nothing but pleasure. And because it let me know she wanted me as much as I’ve been craving her these past few weeks.
“Janey,” I moaned when her teeth sank into the flesh of my earlobe. But she didn’t respond, her mind and her mouth were focused on me. Specifically on my pleasure, as she made her way down my neck, to my shoulder.
“You smell good,” she whispered in my ear, her voice husky and thick with desire. “Like man and fire with a hint of lemon.” The words came out on a growl as her fingers tightened around locks of my hair and she ground against me. “So, so good.”
I closed my eyes and let the sounds of Janey’s moans wash over me. The way she enjoyed my body, exploring it and tasting it, was almost sweet torture. Right there in the hallway that connected her front door to the living room, she kissed her way down my chest, flicking a tongue over each of my nipples that sent shivers down my spine and tightened my grip on her.
She purred, actually fucking purred as her hands gripped the waistband of my pants and I about let her continue on her path, straight for the part of me that was most anxious to get reacquainted with her. But I couldn’t. Last time I’d rocked her world, because that’s what I did when it came to fun in the bedroom. I made sure no one left with morning after regrets, just a smile and a few memories. But Janey was new to sex and this time I wanted it to be more. For her. “Rafe,” she moaned as her tongue swept across the spot just below my waistband.
“Not yet, Janey.”
She looked up at me with an adorable pout, her lips pink and swollen, her cheeks flushed and her breathing shallow.
“Later.” I clarified and lifted her in my arms and then over my shoulder. “Bedroom?”
“Upstairs, straight ahead.” She gave my ass a squeeze and then another.
“Having fun back there?”
“Ask me again in a few minutes,” she said as her hands wrapped around me and her fingertips grazed my abs. And lower. “Oh yeah. Lots of fun.”
I climbed the steps as Janey’s hands roamed my body, teasing me all over, moving like a man on a mission until I found her bedroom. It was a surprising mixture of feminine and functional, with shades of yellow and blue that made her bedroom warm and welcoming. It wasn’t a room intended for seduction, but it was seductive all the same.
She squealed when I flipped her over my shoulder and onto the bed, laughing as she tugged me down with her. “Come here, Chief.”
“I’m right here.”
“You are,” she moaned and rubbed up against me. “But not close enough. Come closer Rafe.”
Her words were like a siren song and I rested my weight on her soft body, letting her legs cradle me against her center. “Is this close enough?”
“It’s getting there,” she moaned and I knew she was close. Probably even closer than she knew, and the fresh shower scent that wafted from her skin, coconut and flowers, only made my mouth water for her. My lips grazed her neck, stopping to nibble at her collarbone. “Oh yeah, that’s better.” The space between her tits. Her nipples. Her belly button. Behind her knees. “Mmm, yeah.”
I wanted to make this encounter more memorable than our last. Janey hadn’t given me a chance, last time, to be gentle. To guide her. To pleasure her completely. This time, I would. “Nice PJs,” I told her as I peeled the shorts off her legs, smiling when she blushed.
“I wasn’t expecting company.”
“I’m not complaining.” She wore cute little cotton shorts that barely covered her ass and a tiny t-shirt that showed off a pale strip of skin that my tongue ached to touch, to make her shiver. “You’re more beautiful than I remember.”
She rolled her eyes, but the satisfied blush that stole over her skin told the truth, she was pleased. “You don’t have to say that, Rafe.”
“I know I don’t.” I wasn’t in the habit of saying things I didn’t mean. Tell the truth and keep your life simple, that was my motto. Most days, anyway. Looking down at her, completely naked and exposed to my gaze as shallow breaths escaped her, she was gorgeous. “You’re so beautiful Janey.”
“Rafe,” she groaned, exasperated.
Which meant I needed to show her. “I mean it. These tits of yours are beautiful. So soft and plump, and these nipples,” I flicked my tongue over a hardened nub and smiled. “So stiff and sweet.”
She moaned and arched into me as I gave her other breast the same treatment. “Yes!”
“This little freckle right here,” I told her and licked a streak of heat across the freckle under her left breast. “Fucking kissable.” My mouth went from that little freckle down to her ribcage and belly button, before I kissed down her left leg and up her right leg, hovering just above her pulsing pink pussy. “And this pretty pink-,”
“Okay, Rafe. Okay. I get it. Thanks.” Her cheeks were even pinker and I wanted to toy with her some more.
But she was so wet, so pink and slick just inches from my mouth that I couldn’t ignore it. Or her. “You sure?”
Janey nodded and lifted herself up so she rested on her elbows, watching as I spread her thighs apart and blew on her clit, watching in fascination as it grew, swelling and tightening in anticipated pleasure. “So sure.”
“Good.” Her arms trembled after the first swipe of my tongue, but her gaze never left mine and I know that, because I couldn’t look away from her. I couldn’t look away from the way pleasure clouded her gaze, the way each swipe of my tongue against her clit or her opening, produced a shiver.
“Rafe…” Her elbows buckled and sent her crashing to the soft pillow-top cushion of her bed, and when I had Janey flat on her back, I pushed her legs apart further and licked her, hard and fast, surprising her with the speed of her pleasure. “Rafe,” she said again, her voice a warning that made me pull back.
I wanted this to last, wanted Janey to learn her pleasure limits. “I’m right here sweetheart.” She was close to her first orgasm if the way she clenched around my finger was any indication. “Right,” I blew on her clit. “Here,” I whispered and sucked it into my mouth.
“Oh hell!” Pleasure overtook her, fast and hard, but still Janey clung to me, hips still grinding against my face. My mou
It was so damn hot, I kept tasting her, slowly until she trembled and squealed, completely out of control. Only when she relaxed under the power of her own pleasure and fatigue did I stop tasting and started kissing a trail of heat up her body until I found her mouth, wet and plump and ready. “Janey,” I growled in her ear before nipping at it with my teeth.
“Rafe, don’t tease me. Please.”
“Who’s teasing?” I wanted her good and riled up, it was how I preferred Janey best of all. “Your skin is so soft. So kissable,” I told her as my lips grazed her most sensitive parts.
“Rafe,” she moaned again and clawed at what little clothes I wore, using her feet to shove my turnout pants and the boxers underneath. “Rafe,” she growled a second time in frustration.
I pushed off the plush bed and shucked off my pants and shoes, my gaze never leaving Janey’s green gaze, dark with desire. “Janey. You sure?”
She nodded, “Absolutely.”
That was good enough for me. With a smile I crawled up her body and kissed her, long and hard and so deep I swear that her taste was imprinted on my tongue. And then her hands were everywhere as I slipped inside her with a growl. “Janey.” She was as tight as I remembered. Wet and hot and pulsing around me.
“Yes, Rafe. More. I need more.”
I needed more too, but more than that I needed to be careful. Gentle. “More of what?” And sure, a little bit wicked too.
She rolled her eyes, but her meaning changed as I slid out and thrust deep again. And again. And again. “Yes.” Her words, her moans grew louder with every move of my hips and every stroke of my tongue. Her legs wrapped tight around me and her hips thrust up, eager to get more of what I gave to her. “Rafe.”
The way my name fell from her lips, a plea meant for the gods, only fueled my desire for her. It amped up how badly I wanted her, how badly I wanted to keep making her pant my name. My hips moved quickly, in fast deep thrusts that made her tits jump beautifully, that made her clench tight around me. So fucking tight. “Janey.”